Accomplishment vs. Living
What if we are here to live and not collect a list of accomplishments?
Have a listen or a peek, and thanks for your time!
I wrote this many days ago, but at the time was unsure about sharing it. Now, having just finished a workshop that reinforced what really matters to me, I feel ready to publish. The workshop1 didn’t give approval, but rather reminded me that yes, this is what I know to be true.
I stand for life. I stand for living. My accomplishments are part of that life, but they, like any other experience, are fleeting. Here and gone. As it should be. To savor in the moment and then release like another sunset. Wonderful, and then we move on.
Move on to live another day. Not to collect more accomplishments.
When I can live in this way the accomplishments happen and I am not attached to them. Nor do I come to believe I am them.
I am not my degree, nor my job, nor the roles I play. I am life, being lived through this body, through this amazing grouping of cells that allows me to be, to experience and see. To be alive is to to be awake, present, appreciative of this moment and this and the next.
I’m coming to think of accomplishments as beautiful clouds that add color to the sky, but they are not the sky. I don’t need to have them in order to live. Nor am I a better person for them.
I am. I am a good person for being. Because I live.
And now, I will continue to practice the art of living.
If you are curious about the workshop, let me know, happy to tell you about it.
Your writing helps me to focus inward to see what is true for me.
Lovely piece and a beautiful reminder of what it means to truly "live." Thank you!